Select a Catalog

Click on one of the blues frames below to redirect to the requested interface.

Select Sources of Interest

Build simple or complex queries. Have a look at the videos to get an overview on the query features

Get Anything about X-Ray Sources

Access all source parameters, possible identifications, spectral fits and lots of others things.

3XMM-dr5 Unique Sources

Merge of XMM detections
Links to the detections
Detection time curves
Possible indentifications

ARCHES Unique Sources

Merge of XMM detections
Links to the detections with time curves
Photometric points - Cluster detections
Possible indentifications

3XMM-dr4 Unique Sources

Merge of XMM detections
Links to the detections
Detection time curves
Possible indentifications

3XMM-dr5 Detections

Source Parameters
Ancillary data - Previews
Spectral fits
Possible Indentifications

ARCHES Cross-matched Catalogue

Source parameters
Photometric points - Cluster detections
Ancillary data - Spectral fits
Possible Indentifications

3XMM-dr4 Detections

Source parameters
Ancillary data - Previews
Spectral fits
Possible Indentifications


  • New Aladin Lite interface - Overlay with Vizier catalogues - full text search for heaps or catalogues


  • Data mining with spectral fits (XMMFITSCAT) - Multidetection plots


  • Access to 3XMMdr5, Arches and XMMDdr4 through this portal


  • Arches database opening


  • Source selection by spectral fits (XMMFITSCAT)


  • Time curve of the main parameters of unique source


  • Video tutorials on youtube
