XcatDB Content [Data access by clicking either on or on
The 3XMM-dr5 XMM-Newton catalogue
The 3XMM-DR5 catalogue contains 565962 detections which relate to 396910 unique sources from 7781 observations that
were public by the 31st December 2013. 3XMM-DR5 covers a total sky area, with at least 1 ks exposure, of ~1144 square degrees
if overlaps are taken into account, where some regions of the sky have been pointed as many as 48 times.
This represents an
increase of approximately 7% in terms of unique sources compared with 3XMM-DR4 that was released in July 2013. Around 10% of
the detections are classified as extended, and spectra and time series have been extracted for around 25% of the sources.
The positional uncertainty of the catalogue detections is generally less than 3 arcseconds (90% confidence) and the astrometric
quality of 3XMM is improved with respect to previous releases.
Typical sensitivities in the catalogue are ~6x10E-15
and ~1.5x10E-14 erg/cm2/s in the soft (0.2-2 keV) and hard (2-12 keV) X-ray band, respectively.
FITS and CSV versions of the full 3XMM catalogue and a slimline version of the FITS file are also available for download at the
XSA. The slimline version has only one row per unique source (rather than per detection as in the main catalogue) and a reduced number of columns that essentially pertain to the unique source quantities.
Others Public Interfaces LEDAS - HEASARC - IRAP
The Xcatdb has been developed under the Laurent MICHEL (laurent.michel[at]astro.unistra.fr) leadership in collaboration with Ada Nebot-Gomez, Fabien Grisé, the HE team of Strasbourg and Laurent MIGUEL (Licence Pro, St Dié des Vosges 2012), Kevin LAMBERT (DUT2, Nancy 2012), Julien REMY (DUT2, Nancy 2013) and>Gerardo Irvin CAMPOS YAH (Licence Pro, Nancy 2014) Pauline KOBERSI (ENSIIE, Strasbourg 2015) Khalil HOMRI (UTBM, Strasbourg 2015)
Chandra | Chandra Catalog Release View | |
DENIS3 | The DENIS database (DENIS Consortium, 2005) | |
J/A+A/278/379/table1 | X-ray Emission from Abell Clusters of Galaxies (Briel+ 1993) | |
CV | Cataclysmic Binaries, LMXBs, and related objects (Ritter+, 2014) | |
BAX | The BAX Database (Blanchard+, 2004) | |
DAML02 | Optically visible open clusters and Candidates (Dias+ 2002-2014) | |
GCVS | General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Samus+ 2007-2013) | |
J/A+A/298/115/table2 | ROSAT study of Praesepe (Randish+, 1995) | |
J/A+A/309/116/table2 | 10 globular cluster ROSAT observations (Johnston+, 1996) | |
J/A+A/312/439/table4 | New T Tauri stars in Taurus-Auriga (Wichmann+, 1996) | |
J/A+A/316/147/table1 | Catalogue of ROSAT White Dwarfs (Fleming+ 1996) | |
J/A+A/317/328/table5 | ROSAT PSPC survey of M 31 (Supper+ 1997) | |
J/A+A/319/33/table3 | Identification of X-ray sources around Seyferts (Arp 1997) | |
J/A+A/319/18/appena | X-ray sources <1 degree from Seyfert galaxies (Radecke 1997) | |
J/A+A/319/413/table1 | ROSAT detected quasars. I. (Brinkmann+ 1997) | |
J/A+A/330/108/table1 | ROSAT detected quasars. II. (Yuan+ 1998) | |
J/A+A/335/467/table3 | High galactic latitude RASS X-ray sources (Thomas+ 1998) | |
J/A+A/356/445/table1 | ROSAT-FIRST AGN correlation (Brinkmann+, 2000) | |
J/A+A/356/445/table2 | ROSAT-FIRST AGN correlation (Brinkmann+, 2000) | |
J/A+A/527/A126/catalog | 2XMMi/SDSS DR7 cross-correlation (Pineau+, 2011) | |
J/A+AS/106/303/table2 | Multifrequency observations of ROSAT sources (Neumann+ 1994) | |
J/A+AS/110/469/table3a | AGN from the RASS (Bade+, 1995) | |
J/A+AS/114/109/table6 | Cha X-ray sources & optical identifications (Alcala+ 1995) | |
J/A+AS/114/465/table2 | ROSAT XUV Pointed Phase Source Catalogue (Kreysing+ 1995) | |
J/A+AS/114/465/table4 | ROSAT XUV Pointed Phase Source Catalogue (Kreysing+ 1995) | |
J/A+AS/114/465/table5 | ROSAT XUV Pointed Phase Source Catalogue (Kreysing+ 1995) | |
J/A+AS/123/329/Xpointed | New weak-line T Tauri stars in Lupus (Krautter+ 1997) | |
J/A+AS/123/329/newTTau | New weak-line T Tauri stars in Lupus (Krautter+ 1997) | |
J/A+AS/126/509/table5 | HS 47.5/22: X-ray catalogue (Molthagen+ 1997) | |
J/A+AS/132/341/table5 | ROSAT GPS optical identification (Motch+ 1998) | |
J/A+AS/136/81/table1 | A ROSAT PSPC X-Ray Survey of the SMC (Kahabka, 1999) | |
J/A+AS/139/277/table1 | LMC X-ray sources ROSAT PSPC catalogue (Haberl+, 1999) | |
J/A+AS/142/41/table2 | SMC X-ray sources ROSAT PSPC catalogue (Haberl+, 2000) | |
J/A+AS/143/391/table4 | ROSAT HRI catalogue of LMC X-ray sources (Sasaki+, 2000) | |
SHP2000 | ROSAT HRI catalogue of SMC X-ray sources (Sasaki+, 2000) | |
J/AJ/110/1229/table4 | ROSAT X-ray survey in NGC 6475 (Prosser+ 1995) | |
IPC | Einstein IPC database ultrasoft survey (Thompson+ 1998) | |
J/AJ/122/866/table1 | X-ray sources in IC 348 from Chandra (Preibisch+, 2001) | |
J/ApJ/325/798/hyades_2 | Einstein survey of stars in the Hyades (Micela+, 1988) | |
J/ApJ/414/846/table1 | X-ray emission at the low-mass end (Barbera+ 1993) | |
J/ApJ/434/54/table1a | Spectral properties of X-ray-selected AGNs (Thompson+ 1994) | |
J/ApJ/437/361/table2 | Einstein survey of the Orion nebula region (Gagne+ 1994) | |
J/ApJ/445/280/table2 | ROSAT survey of the Orion nebula region (Gagne+ 1995) | |
J/ApJ/448/683/table1 | Hyades RASS observations (Stern+ 1995) | |
J/ApJS/102/75/table1 | ROSAT Observations of the Pleiades (Micela+ 1996) | |
J/ApJS/111/163/table5 | Einstein X-ray survey of galaxies. I. (Burstein+ 1997) | |
J/ApJS/111/163/table6 | Einstein X-ray survey of galaxies. I. (Burstein+ 1997) | |
J/ApJS/111/163/table7 | Einstein X-ray survey of galaxies. I. (Burstein+ 1997) | |
1AXG | GIS catalog project : source catalog (Ueda+, 2001) | |
J/ApJS/134/77/table2 | ASCA Galactic Plane Survey faint X-ray sources (Sugizak+, 2001) | |
J/MNRAS/260/77/table1 | ROSAT Wide Field Camera EUV Bright Sources (Pounds+ 1993) | |
2RE | The 2RE Source Catalogue (Pye+ 1995) | |
J/MNRAS/274/1194/table1 | Optical Identifications of ROSAT EUV Sources (Mason+ 1995) | |
J/MNRAS/277/1477/catalog | A catalogue of BL Lacertae objects (Padovani+ 1995) | |
eBCS | Extended ROSAT Bright Cluster Sample (Ebeling+ 2000) | |
J/MNRAS/301/881/table3 | The ROSAT brightest cluster sample - I. (Ebeling+, 1998) | |
RIXOS | RIXOS source catalogue (Mason+, 2000) | |
IPHAS | H{alpha} emission line sources from IPHAS (Witham+, 2008) | |
J/ApJS/90/173/j2000 | PMN map catalog of radiosources (Gregory+, 1994) | |
7Clow | 7C 151-MHz survey of region 9-16h 20-35deg (Waldram+ 1996) | |
7C(G) | 7C(G) 151MHz survey of the Galactic plane (Vessey+ 1998) | |
MA93 | Emission-line stars and PNe in the SMC (Meyssonnier+ 1993) | |
RKK | Galaxies behind Southern Milky Way (Kraan-Korteweg 2000) | |
WKK | Galaxies behind Southern Milky Way. II. (Woudt+, 2001) | |
FAUST | Far-UV Point Sources from FAUST (Bowyer+ 1995) | |
OptGal | The Stromlo-APM Redshift Survey IV (Loveday+ 1996) | |
CfA2S | The CfA2S catalog (Huchra+, 1999) | |
APM-BGC | The APM Bright Galaxy Catalogue (Loveday 1996) | |
J/MNRAS/289/263/catalog | Galaxy clusters from the APM galaxy survey (Dalton+ 1997) | |
DUGRS | Durham/UKST Galaxy Redshift Survey (Ratcliffe+, 1998) | |
UZC | Updated Zwicky catalog (UZC) (Falco+, 1999) | |
CNOC2 | The CNOC2 survey. I. (Yee+, 2000) | |
SMCPS | Magellanic Clouds Photometric Survey: the SMC (Zaritsky+, 2002) | |
KUG | KUG survey, second series. II (Miyauchi-Isobe+ 2000) | |
J/ApJ/502/558/table3 | Catalog of ROSAT galaxy clusters (Vikhlinin+ 1998) | |
J/ApJ/519/533/table1 | ROSAT observations of ACO clusters (David+, 1999) | |
J/ApJ/549/441/table1 | Chandra observations of Orion Trapezium (Schulz+, 2001) | |
J/ApJ/554/742/table4 | Chandra Deep Survey of the HDF-N (Hornschemeier+, 2001) | |
J/ApJ/582/382/table1 | Chandra X-ray sources in Orion Nebula Cluster (Flaccomio+, 2003) | |
J/ApJS/117/319/table1 | Northern RASS X-ray sources catalog (Appenzeller+ 1998) | |
J/ApJS/117/319/table2 | Northern RASS X-ray sources catalog (Appenzeller+ 1998) | |
J/ApJS/129/547/table1 | RBSC-NVSS sample. I. (Bauer+, 2000) | |
J/ApJS/129/547/table2 | RBSC-NVSS sample. I. (Bauer+, 2000) | |
J/ApJS/139/369/table2 | Chandra Deep Field South. 1 Ms catalog (Giacconi+, 2002) | |
J/ApJS/192/10/table4 | Chandra ACIS survey in 383 nearby galaxies. I. (Liu, 2011) | |
KMA2007 | MaxBCG catalog of 13823 galaxy clusters from SDSS (Koester+, 2007) | |
HRY2009 | Catalog of 24um sources toward Galactic Center (Hinz+, 2009) | |
Pleiades | Positions of 502 Stars in Pleiades Region (Eichhorn+ 1970) | |
MACS | The Magellanic Catalogue of Stars - MACS (Tucholke+ 1996) | |
GCTP | Yale Trigonometric Parallaxes, Fourth Edition (van Altena+ 1995) | |
Hipparcos | The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues (ESA 1997) | |
USNO-A2.0 | The USNO-A2.0 Catalogue (Monet+ 1998) | |
TYC | The Tycho-2 Catalogue (Hog+ 2000) | |
APM | The APM-North Catalogue (McMahon+, 2000) | |
USNO-B1.0 | The USNO-B1.0 Catalog (Monet+ 2003) | |
NOMAD | NOMAD Catalog (Zacharias+ 2005) | |
GSC | The Guide Star Catalog, Version 2.3.2 (GSC2.3) (STScI, 2006) | |
KUV | Kiso Ultraviolet Catalog (KUV) (Noguchi+ 1980-1984) | |
IRAS_PSC | IRAS catalogue of Point Sources, Version 2.0 (IPAC 1986) | |
IRAS_F | IRAS Faint Source Catalog, |b| > 10, Version 2.0 (Moshir+ 1989) | |
PG | Palomar-Green catalog UV-excess stellar objects (Green+ 1986) | |
OGLE | OGLE Galactic Bulge periodic variables (Udalski+ 1996) | |
DCMC | DENIS Catalogue toward Magellanic Clouds (DCMC) (Cioni+ 2000) | |
M2002 | UBVR CCD survey of the Magellanic clouds (Massey+, 2002) | |
2MASS | The 2MASS Extended sources (IPAC/UMass, 2003-2006) | |
SWIRE1 | SWIRE ELAIS N1 Source Catalogs (Surace+, 2004) | |
RAVE | RAVE 4th data release (Kordopatis+, 2013) | |
SWIRE | Revised SWIRE photometric redshifts (Rowan-Robinson+, 2013) | |
GLIMPSE | GLIMPSE Source Catalog (I + II + 3D) (IPAC 2008) | |
SSTGC | Spitzer IRAC survey of the galactic center (Ramirez+, 2008) | |
AKARI | AKARI/FIS All-Sky Survey Point Source Catalogues (ISAS/JAXA, 2010) | |
SAGE | SAGE LMC and SMC IRAC Source Catalog (IPAC 2009) | |
SDSS-DR9 | The SDSS Photometric Catalog, Release 9 (Adelman-McCarthy+, 2012) | |
WISEALLSKY | WISE All-Sky Data Release (Cutri+ 2012) | |
LSS | Luminous Stars in the Southern Milky Way (Stephenson+ 1971) | |
III/67A/catalog | Catalogue of Be stars (Jaschek+, 1982) | |
III/147/catalog | Studies of LMC stellar content (Rousseau+ 1978) | |
PMSU | Palomar/MSU nearby star spectroscopic survey (Hawley+ 1997) | |
KW97 | H-alpha Stars in Northern Milky Way (Kohoutek+ 1997) | |
III/206/mk13 | 13th General Catalogue of MK Spectral Classification (Buscombe 1998) | |
WR | 7th Catalog of Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars (van der Hucht, 2001) | |
WD | Spectroscopically Identified White Dwarfs (McCook+, 2008) | |
HR | Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed. (Hoffleit+, 1991) | |
CNS3 | Nearby Stars, Preliminary 3rd Version (Gliese+ 1991) | |
MSX-AC | MSX Infrared Astrometric Catalog (Egan+ 1996) | |
V/106/hmxbcat | Catalogue of X-ray binaries (Liu+ 2001) | |
V/106/lmxbcat | Catalogue of X-ray binaries (Liu+ 2001) | |
SKY2000 | SKY2000 Catalog, Version 4 (Myers+ 2002) | |
MSX6C | MSX6C Infrared Point Source Catalog (Egan+ 2003) | |
V/123A/cv | Catalog of Cataclysmic Variables (Downes+ 2001-2006) | |
UGC | Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies (UGC) (Nilson 1973) | |
ESO | ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO(B) Atlas (Lauberts 1982) | |
Shk | Compact groups of compact galaxies (Shakhbazian+ 1973-1979) | |
IRAS | Catalogued Galaxies + QSOs observed in IRAS Survey, Vers.2 (IPAC 198 | |
NBG | Nearby Galaxies Catalogue (NBG) (Tully 1988) | |
RC3 | Third Reference Cat. of Bright Galaxies (RC3) (de Vaucouleurs+ 1991) | |
VII/157/12micron | The Extended 12um galaxy sample (Rush+ 1993) | |
AM | Catalogue of Southern Peculiar Galaxies and Associations (Arp+, 1987 | |
FBS | First Byurakan Survey (FBS) (Markarian+, 1989) | |
VII/175/table3 | Edinburgh-Durham Southern Galaxy Cat. - Cluster Cat. (Lumsden+ 1992) | |
VII/181/table2 | X-ray of active galaxies and nuclei (Della Ceca+, 1990) | |
VII/181/table3 | X-ray of active galaxies and nuclei (Della Ceca+, 1990) | |
VII/181/table4 | X-ray of active galaxies and nuclei (Della Ceca+, 1990) | |
VII/181/table5 | X-ray of active galaxies and nuclei (Della Ceca+, 1990) | |
IRAS1.2Jy | IRAS 1.2 Jy IRAS Redshift Survey (Strauss+ 1990,92,95) | |
PSR | Catalog of Pulsars (Taylor+ 1995) | |
CfA | The CfA Redshift Catalogue, Version June 1995 (Huchra+ 1995) | |
VII/202/catalog | Globular Clusters in the Milky Way (Harris, 1997) | |
LCRS | Las Campanas Redshift Survey (Shectman+ 1996) | |
NGP9 | Galaxy properties at NGP (Odewahn+ 1995) | |
NGPFG | Faint Galaxies at the North Galactic Pole (Infante+ 1995) | |
CGMW | Galaxies Behind the Milky Way (Saito+ 1990-91; Roman+ 1996-98) | |
HCG | Hicksons Compact groups of Galaxies (Hickson+ 1982-1994) | |
PSCz | PSCz catalog (Saunders+, 2000) | |
CFRS | The Canada-France Redshift Survey (CFRS) (Lilly+, 1995) | |
DENIS | DENIS catalog of galaxies (Paturel+, 2003) | |
HyperLEDA | HYPERLEDA. I. Catalog of galaxies (Paturel+, 2003) | |
2QZ | The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (Croom+ 2004) | |
SBS | Second Byurakan Survey galaxies. Optical database (Gyulzadian+, 2011 | |
6dFGS | 6dF galaxy survey final redshift release (Jones+, 2009) | |
SNR | A catalogue of Galactic supernova remnants (Green, 2014) | |
VV10 | Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (13th Ed.) (Veron+ 2010) | |
SDSS-QSO | The SDSS-DR7 quasar catalog (Schneider+, 2010) | |
KUG2000 | Comprehensive Catalogue of Kiso UV-X Galaxies (KUG2000) (Nakajima+ 2 | |
1Jy | Bright Extragalactic Radio Sources (1Jy) (Kuehr+, 1981) | |
BWE | A new catalog of 53522 4.85GHz sources (Becker+ 1991) | |
PKS | Parkes Radio Sources Catalogue (PKSCAT90) (Wright+ 1990) | |
MRC | Molonglo Reference Catalogue of Radio Sources (Large+ 1991) | |
WSTB | Catalogues from a deep 327 MHz Westerbork Survey (Wieringa 1991,1993 | |
VIII/34/catalog | Parkes Half-Jansky Flat-Spectrum Sample (Drinkwater + 1997) | |
PMN | The Parkes-MIT-NRAO 4.85GHz (PMN) Surveys (Griffith+ 1993-1996) | |
GB6 | GB6 catalog of radio sources (Gregory+ 1996) | |
TXS | Texas Survey of radio sources at 365MHz (Douglas+ 1996) | |
VIII/50/catalog | VLA Survey of Rich Clusters of Galaxies (Slee+ 1996) | |
WENSS | The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (Leiden, 1998) | |
NVSS | 1.4GHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) (Condon+ 1998) | |
WISH | The WISH catalogue at 352 MHz (de Breuck+ 2002) | |
FIRST | The FIRST Survey Catalog, Version 12Feb16 (Becker+ 2012) | |
VLSS | The VLA Low-frequency Sky Survey at 74MHz (Cohen+ 2007) | |
SUMSS | Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS V2.1) (Mauch+ 2008) | |
7C | A final non-redundant catalogue for 7C 151-MHz survey (Hales+ 2007) | |
PLCK-ER | Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue (Planck, 2011) | |
1RXS | ROSAT All-Sky Bright Source Catalogue (1RXS) (Voges+ 1999) | |
2E | The 2E Catalogue (Harris+ 1994) | |
EMSS | Einstein EMSS Survey (Gioia+ 1990, Stocke+ 1991) | |
EXSS | EINSTEIN extended source survey (EXSS) (Oppenheimer+ 1997) | |
ROSHRI | ROSAT HRI Pointed Observations (1RXH) (ROSAT Team, 2000) | |
RASS-FSC | ROSAT All-Sky Survey Faint Source Catalog (Voges+ 2000) | |
2RXP | Second ROSAT PSPC Catalog (ROSAT, 2000) | |
WGACAT | The WGACAT version of ROSAT sources (White+ 2000) | |
RBS | ROSAT Bright Survey (Fischer+, 1998-2000) | |
2EUVE | Second EUVE Catalogues (Bowyer+, 1996-99) | |
1XMM | XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue (1XMM) (XMM-SSC, 2003) | |
2XMM-DR3 | XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue 2XMMi-DR3 (XMM-SSC, 2010) | |
SIMBAD | Simbad Astronomical Database | |
NED | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database |
Chandra | Chandra Catalog Release View | |
DENIS3 | The DENIS database (DENIS Consortium, 2005) | |
J/A+A/278/379/table1 | X-ray Emission from Abell Clusters of Galaxies (Briel+ 1993) | |
CV | Cataclysmic Binaries, LMXBs, and related objects (Ritter+, 2014) | |
BAX | The BAX Database (Blanchard+, 2004) | |
DAML02 | Optically visible open clusters and Candidates (Dias+ 2002-2014) | |
GCVS | General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Samus+ 2007-2013) | |
J/A+A/298/115/table2 | ROSAT study of Praesepe (Randish+, 1995) | |
J/A+A/309/116/table2 | 10 globular cluster ROSAT observations (Johnston+, 1996) | |
J/A+A/312/439/table4 | New T Tauri stars in Taurus-Auriga (Wichmann+, 1996) | |
J/A+A/316/147/table1 | Catalogue of ROSAT White Dwarfs (Fleming+ 1996) | |
J/A+A/317/328/table5 | ROSAT PSPC survey of M 31 (Supper+ 1997) | |
J/A+A/319/33/table3 | Identification of X-ray sources around Seyferts (Arp 1997) | |
J/A+A/319/18/appena | X-ray sources <1 degree from Seyfert galaxies (Radecke 1997) | |
J/A+A/319/413/table1 | ROSAT detected quasars. I. (Brinkmann+ 1997) | |
J/A+A/330/108/table1 | ROSAT detected quasars. II. (Yuan+ 1998) | |
J/A+A/335/467/table3 | High galactic latitude RASS X-ray sources (Thomas+ 1998) | |
J/A+A/356/445/table1 | ROSAT-FIRST AGN correlation (Brinkmann+, 2000) | |
J/A+A/356/445/table2 | ROSAT-FIRST AGN correlation (Brinkmann+, 2000) | |
J/A+A/527/A126/catalog | 2XMMi/SDSS DR7 cross-correlation (Pineau+, 2011) | |
J/A+AS/106/303/table2 | Multifrequency observations of ROSAT sources (Neumann+ 1994) | |
J/A+AS/110/469/table3a | AGN from the RASS (Bade+, 1995) | |
J/A+AS/114/109/table6 | Cha X-ray sources & optical identifications (Alcala+ 1995) | |
J/A+AS/114/465/table2 | ROSAT XUV Pointed Phase Source Catalogue (Kreysing+ 1995) | |
J/A+AS/114/465/table4 | ROSAT XUV Pointed Phase Source Catalogue (Kreysing+ 1995) | |
J/A+AS/114/465/table5 | ROSAT XUV Pointed Phase Source Catalogue (Kreysing+ 1995) | |
J/A+AS/123/329/Xpointed | New weak-line T Tauri stars in Lupus (Krautter+ 1997) | |
J/A+AS/123/329/newTTau | New weak-line T Tauri stars in Lupus (Krautter+ 1997) | |
J/A+AS/126/509/table5 | HS 47.5/22: X-ray catalogue (Molthagen+ 1997) | |
J/A+AS/132/341/table5 | ROSAT GPS optical identification (Motch+ 1998) | |
J/A+AS/136/81/table1 | A ROSAT PSPC X-Ray Survey of the SMC (Kahabka, 1999) | |
J/A+AS/139/277/table1 | LMC X-ray sources ROSAT PSPC catalogue (Haberl+, 1999) | |
J/A+AS/142/41/table2 | SMC X-ray sources ROSAT PSPC catalogue (Haberl+, 2000) | |
J/A+AS/143/391/table4 | ROSAT HRI catalogue of LMC X-ray sources (Sasaki+, 2000) | |
SHP2000 | ROSAT HRI catalogue of SMC X-ray sources (Sasaki+, 2000) | |
J/AJ/110/1229/table4 | ROSAT X-ray survey in NGC 6475 (Prosser+ 1995) | |
IPC | Einstein IPC database ultrasoft survey (Thompson+ 1998) | |
J/AJ/122/866/table1 | X-ray sources in IC 348 from Chandra (Preibisch+, 2001) | |
J/ApJ/325/798/hyades_2 | Einstein survey of stars in the Hyades (Micela+, 1988) | |
J/ApJ/414/846/table1 | X-ray emission at the low-mass end (Barbera+ 1993) | |
J/ApJ/434/54/table1a | Spectral properties of X-ray-selected AGNs (Thompson+ 1994) | |
J/ApJ/437/361/table2 | Einstein survey of the Orion nebula region (Gagne+ 1994) | |
J/ApJ/445/280/table2 | ROSAT survey of the Orion nebula region (Gagne+ 1995) | |
J/ApJ/448/683/table1 | Hyades RASS observations (Stern+ 1995) | |
J/ApJS/102/75/table1 | ROSAT Observations of the Pleiades (Micela+ 1996) | |
J/ApJS/111/163/table5 | Einstein X-ray survey of galaxies. I. (Burstein+ 1997) | |
J/ApJS/111/163/table6 | Einstein X-ray survey of galaxies. I. (Burstein+ 1997) | |
J/ApJS/111/163/table7 | Einstein X-ray survey of galaxies. I. (Burstein+ 1997) | |
1AXG | GIS catalog project : source catalog (Ueda+, 2001) | |
J/ApJS/134/77/table2 | ASCA Galactic Plane Survey faint X-ray sources (Sugizak+, 2001) | |
J/MNRAS/260/77/table1 | ROSAT Wide Field Camera EUV Bright Sources (Pounds+ 1993) | |
2RE | The 2RE Source Catalogue (Pye+ 1995) | |
J/MNRAS/274/1194/table1 | Optical Identifications of ROSAT EUV Sources (Mason+ 1995) | |
J/MNRAS/277/1477/catalog | A catalogue of BL Lacertae objects (Padovani+ 1995) | |
eBCS | Extended ROSAT Bright Cluster Sample (Ebeling+ 2000) | |
J/MNRAS/301/881/table3 | The ROSAT brightest cluster sample - I. (Ebeling+, 1998) | |
RIXOS | RIXOS source catalogue (Mason+, 2000) | |
IPHAS | H{alpha} emission line sources from IPHAS (Witham+, 2008) | |
J/ApJS/90/173/j2000 | PMN map catalog of radiosources (Gregory+, 1994) | |
7Clow | 7C 151-MHz survey of region 9-16h 20-35deg (Waldram+ 1996) | |
7C(G) | 7C(G) 151MHz survey of the Galactic plane (Vessey+ 1998) | |
MA93 | Emission-line stars and PNe in the SMC (Meyssonnier+ 1993) | |
RKK | Galaxies behind Southern Milky Way (Kraan-Korteweg 2000) | |
WKK | Galaxies behind Southern Milky Way. II. (Woudt+, 2001) | |
FAUST | Far-UV Point Sources from FAUST (Bowyer+ 1995) | |
OptGal | The Stromlo-APM Redshift Survey IV (Loveday+ 1996) | |
CfA2S | The CfA2S catalog (Huchra+, 1999) | |
APM-BGC | The APM Bright Galaxy Catalogue (Loveday 1996) | |
J/MNRAS/289/263/catalog | Galaxy clusters from the APM galaxy survey (Dalton+ 1997) | |
DUGRS | Durham/UKST Galaxy Redshift Survey (Ratcliffe+, 1998) | |
UZC | Updated Zwicky catalog (UZC) (Falco+, 1999) | |
CNOC2 | The CNOC2 survey. I. (Yee+, 2000) | |
SMCPS | Magellanic Clouds Photometric Survey: the SMC (Zaritsky+, 2002) | |
KUG | KUG survey, second series. II (Miyauchi-Isobe+ 2000) | |
J/ApJ/502/558/table3 | Catalog of ROSAT galaxy clusters (Vikhlinin+ 1998) | |
J/ApJ/519/533/table1 | ROSAT observations of ACO clusters (David+, 1999) | |
J/ApJ/549/441/table1 | Chandra observations of Orion Trapezium (Schulz+, 2001) | |
J/ApJ/554/742/table4 | Chandra Deep Survey of the HDF-N (Hornschemeier+, 2001) | |
J/ApJ/582/382/table1 | Chandra X-ray sources in Orion Nebula Cluster (Flaccomio+, 2003) | |
J/ApJS/117/319/table1 | Northern RASS X-ray sources catalog (Appenzeller+ 1998) | |
J/ApJS/117/319/table2 | Northern RASS X-ray sources catalog (Appenzeller+ 1998) | |
J/ApJS/129/547/table1 | RBSC-NVSS sample. I. (Bauer+, 2000) | |
J/ApJS/129/547/table2 | RBSC-NVSS sample. I. (Bauer+, 2000) | |
J/ApJS/139/369/table2 | Chandra Deep Field South. 1 Ms catalog (Giacconi+, 2002) | |
J/ApJS/192/10/table4 | Chandra ACIS survey in 383 nearby galaxies. I. (Liu, 2011) | |
KMA2007 | MaxBCG catalog of 13823 galaxy clusters from SDSS (Koester+, 2007) | |
HRY2009 | Catalog of 24um sources toward Galactic Center (Hinz+, 2009) | |
Pleiades | Positions of 502 Stars in Pleiades Region (Eichhorn+ 1970) | |
MACS | The Magellanic Catalogue of Stars - MACS (Tucholke+ 1996) | |
GCTP | Yale Trigonometric Parallaxes, Fourth Edition (van Altena+ 1995) | |
Hipparcos | The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues (ESA 1997) | |
USNO-A2.0 | The USNO-A2.0 Catalogue (Monet+ 1998) | |
TYC | The Tycho-2 Catalogue (Hog+ 2000) | |
APM | The APM-North Catalogue (McMahon+, 2000) | |
USNO-B1.0 | The USNO-B1.0 Catalog (Monet+ 2003) | |
NOMAD | NOMAD Catalog (Zacharias+ 2005) | |
GSC | The Guide Star Catalog, Version 2.3.2 (GSC2.3) (STScI, 2006) | |
KUV | Kiso Ultraviolet Catalog (KUV) (Noguchi+ 1980-1984) | |
IRAS_PSC | IRAS catalogue of Point Sources, Version 2.0 (IPAC 1986) | |
IRAS_F | IRAS Faint Source Catalog, |b| > 10, Version 2.0 (Moshir+ 1989) | |
PG | Palomar-Green catalog UV-excess stellar objects (Green+ 1986) | |
OGLE | OGLE Galactic Bulge periodic variables (Udalski+ 1996) | |
DCMC | DENIS Catalogue toward Magellanic Clouds (DCMC) (Cioni+ 2000) | |
M2002 | UBVR CCD survey of the Magellanic clouds (Massey+, 2002) | |
2MASS | The 2MASS Extended sources (IPAC/UMass, 2003-2006) | |
SWIRE1 | SWIRE ELAIS N1 Source Catalogs (Surace+, 2004) | |
RAVE | RAVE 4th data release (Kordopatis+, 2013) | |
SWIRE | Revised SWIRE photometric redshifts (Rowan-Robinson+, 2013) | |
GLIMPSE | GLIMPSE Source Catalog (I + II + 3D) (IPAC 2008) | |
SSTGC | Spitzer IRAC survey of the galactic center (Ramirez+, 2008) | |
AKARI | AKARI/FIS All-Sky Survey Point Source Catalogues (ISAS/JAXA, 2010) | |
SAGE | SAGE LMC and SMC IRAC Source Catalog (IPAC 2009) | |
SDSS-DR9 | The SDSS Photometric Catalog, Release 9 (Adelman-McCarthy+, 2012) | |
WISEALLSKY | WISE All-Sky Data Release (Cutri+ 2012) | |
LSS | Luminous Stars in the Southern Milky Way (Stephenson+ 1971) | |
III/67A/catalog | Catalogue of Be stars (Jaschek+, 1982) | |
III/147/catalog | Studies of LMC stellar content (Rousseau+ 1978) | |
PMSU | Palomar/MSU nearby star spectroscopic survey (Hawley+ 1997) | |
KW97 | H-alpha Stars in Northern Milky Way (Kohoutek+ 1997) | |
III/206/mk13 | 13th General Catalogue of MK Spectral Classification (Buscombe 1998) | |
WR | 7th Catalog of Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars (van der Hucht, 2001) | |
WD | Spectroscopically Identified White Dwarfs (McCook+, 2008) | |
HR | Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed. (Hoffleit+, 1991) | |
CNS3 | Nearby Stars, Preliminary 3rd Version (Gliese+ 1991) | |
MSX-AC | MSX Infrared Astrometric Catalog (Egan+ 1996) | |
V/106/hmxbcat | Catalogue of X-ray binaries (Liu+ 2001) | |
V/106/lmxbcat | Catalogue of X-ray binaries (Liu+ 2001) | |
SKY2000 | SKY2000 Catalog, Version 4 (Myers+ 2002) | |
MSX6C | MSX6C Infrared Point Source Catalog (Egan+ 2003) | |
V/123A/cv | Catalog of Cataclysmic Variables (Downes+ 2001-2006) | |
UGC | Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies (UGC) (Nilson 1973) | |
ESO | ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO(B) Atlas (Lauberts 1982) | |
Shk | Compact groups of compact galaxies (Shakhbazian+ 1973-1979) | |
IRAS | Catalogued Galaxies + QSOs observed in IRAS Survey, Vers.2 (IPAC 198 | |
NBG | Nearby Galaxies Catalogue (NBG) (Tully 1988) | |
RC3 | Third Reference Cat. of Bright Galaxies (RC3) (de Vaucouleurs+ 1991) | |
VII/157/12micron | The Extended 12um galaxy sample (Rush+ 1993) | |
AM | Catalogue of Southern Peculiar Galaxies and Associations (Arp+, 1987 | |
FBS | First Byurakan Survey (FBS) (Markarian+, 1989) | |
VII/175/table3 | Edinburgh-Durham Southern Galaxy Cat. - Cluster Cat. (Lumsden+ 1992) | |
VII/181/table2 | X-ray of active galaxies and nuclei (Della Ceca+, 1990) | |
VII/181/table3 | X-ray of active galaxies and nuclei (Della Ceca+, 1990) | |
VII/181/table4 | X-ray of active galaxies and nuclei (Della Ceca+, 1990) | |
VII/181/table5 | X-ray of active galaxies and nuclei (Della Ceca+, 1990) | |
IRAS1.2Jy | IRAS 1.2 Jy IRAS Redshift Survey (Strauss+ 1990,92,95) | |
PSR | Catalog of Pulsars (Taylor+ 1995) | |
CfA | The CfA Redshift Catalogue, Version June 1995 (Huchra+ 1995) | |
VII/202/catalog | Globular Clusters in the Milky Way (Harris, 1997) | |
LCRS | Las Campanas Redshift Survey (Shectman+ 1996) | |
NGP9 | Galaxy properties at NGP (Odewahn+ 1995) | |
NGPFG | Faint Galaxies at the North Galactic Pole (Infante+ 1995) | |
CGMW | Galaxies Behind the Milky Way (Saito+ 1990-91; Roman+ 1996-98) | |
HCG | Hicksons Compact groups of Galaxies (Hickson+ 1982-1994) | |
PSCz | PSCz catalog (Saunders+, 2000) | |
CFRS | The Canada-France Redshift Survey (CFRS) (Lilly+, 1995) | |
DENIS | DENIS catalog of galaxies (Paturel+, 2003) | |
HyperLEDA | HYPERLEDA. I. Catalog of galaxies (Paturel+, 2003) | |
2QZ | The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (Croom+ 2004) | |
SBS | Second Byurakan Survey galaxies. Optical database (Gyulzadian+, 2011 | |
6dFGS | 6dF galaxy survey final redshift release (Jones+, 2009) | |
SNR | A catalogue of Galactic supernova remnants (Green, 2014) | |
VV10 | Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (13th Ed.) (Veron+ 2010) | |
SDSS-QSO | The SDSS-DR7 quasar catalog (Schneider+, 2010) | |
KUG2000 | Comprehensive Catalogue of Kiso UV-X Galaxies (KUG2000) (Nakajima+ 2 | |
1Jy | Bright Extragalactic Radio Sources (1Jy) (Kuehr+, 1981) | |
BWE | A new catalog of 53522 4.85GHz sources (Becker+ 1991) | |
PKS | Parkes Radio Sources Catalogue (PKSCAT90) (Wright+ 1990) | |
MRC | Molonglo Reference Catalogue of Radio Sources (Large+ 1991) | |
WSTB | Catalogues from a deep 327 MHz Westerbork Survey (Wieringa 1991,1993 | |
VIII/34/catalog | Parkes Half-Jansky Flat-Spectrum Sample (Drinkwater + 1997) | |
PMN | The Parkes-MIT-NRAO 4.85GHz (PMN) Surveys (Griffith+ 1993-1996) | |
GB6 | GB6 catalog of radio sources (Gregory+ 1996) | |
TXS | Texas Survey of radio sources at 365MHz (Douglas+ 1996) | |
VIII/50/catalog | VLA Survey of Rich Clusters of Galaxies (Slee+ 1996) | |
WENSS | The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (Leiden, 1998) | |
NVSS | 1.4GHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) (Condon+ 1998) | |
WISH | The WISH catalogue at 352 MHz (de Breuck+ 2002) | |
FIRST | The FIRST Survey Catalog, Version 12Feb16 (Becker+ 2012) | |
VLSS | The VLA Low-frequency Sky Survey at 74MHz (Cohen+ 2007) | |
SUMSS | Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS V2.1) (Mauch+ 2008) | |
7C | A final non-redundant catalogue for 7C 151-MHz survey (Hales+ 2007) | |
PLCK-ER | Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue (Planck, 2011) | |
1RXS | ROSAT All-Sky Bright Source Catalogue (1RXS) (Voges+ 1999) | |
2E | The 2E Catalogue (Harris+ 1994) | |
EMSS | Einstein EMSS Survey (Gioia+ 1990, Stocke+ 1991) | |
EXSS | EINSTEIN extended source survey (EXSS) (Oppenheimer+ 1997) | |
ROSHRI | ROSAT HRI Pointed Observations (1RXH) (ROSAT Team, 2000) | |
RASS-FSC | ROSAT All-Sky Survey Faint Source Catalog (Voges+ 2000) | |
2RXP | Second ROSAT PSPC Catalog (ROSAT, 2000) | |
WGACAT | The WGACAT version of ROSAT sources (White+ 2000) | |
RBS | ROSAT Bright Survey (Fischer+, 1998-2000) | |
2EUVE | Second EUVE Catalogues (Bowyer+, 1996-99) | |
1XMM | XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue (1XMM) (XMM-SSC, 2003) | |
2XMM-DR3 | XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue 2XMMi-DR3 (XMM-SSC, 2010) | |
SIMBAD | Simbad Astronomical Database | |
NED | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database |
IAUNAME | String | |
SC_RA | double | |
SC_DEC | double | |
WAPO_FIT | double | |
WAPO_NH | double | |
WAPO_GAMMA | double | |
WAPO_FLUX | double | |
WAMEKAL_FIT | double | |
WAMEKAL_NH | double | |
WAMEKAL_KT | double | |
WAMEKAL_FLUX | double | |
WAMEKALPO_FIT | double | |
WAMEKALPO_NH1 | double | |
WAMEKALPO_KT | double | |
WAMEKALPO_NH2 | double | |
WAMEKALPO_GAMMA | double | |
WAMEKALPO_FLUX | double | |
WAPOPO_FIT | double | |
WAPOPO_NH1 | double | |
WAPOPO_GAMMA1 | double | |
WAPOPO_NH2 | double | |
WAPOPO_GAMMA2 | double | |
WAPOPO_FLUX | double | |
WABBPO_FIT | double | |
WABBPO_NH | double | |
WABBPO_KT | double | |
WABBPO_GAMMA | double | |
WABBPO_FLUX | double | |
WAPOS_FIT | double | |
WAPOS_NH | double | |
WAPOS_GAMMA | double | |
WAPOS_FLUX | double | |
WAMEKALS_FIT | double | |
WAMEKALS_NH | double | |
WAMEKALS_KT | double | |
WAMEKALS_FLUX | double | |
WABBS_FIT | double | |
WABBS_NH | double | |
WABBS_KT | double | |
WABBS_FLUX | double | |
WAPOH_FIT | double | |
WAPOH_NH | double | |
WAPOH_GAMMA | double | |
WAPOH_FLUX | double | |
DETID | double | |
SRCID | double | |
OBS_ID | String | |
SRC_NUM | double | |
SRC_HEX | String | |
T_COUNTS | double | |
H__COUNTS | double | |
S__COUNTS | double | |
GNH | double | |
A_FIT | boolean | |
P_MODEL | double |
DETID | long | |||
SRCID | long | |||
DR3SRCID | int | |||
DR3DETID | int | |||
DR3DETDIST | float | arcsec | ||
DR3SRCDIST | float | arcsec | ||
DR3MULT | short | |||
DR4SRCID | int | |||
DR4DETID | int | |||
DR4DETDIST | float | arcsec | ||
DR4SRCDIST | float | arcsec | ||
DR4MULT | short | |||
IAUNAME | String | |||
SRC_NUM | short | |||
OBS_ID | String | |||
REVOLUT | String | orbit | ||
MJD_START | double | d | ||
MJD_STOP | double | d | ||
OBS_CLASS | short | |||
PN_FILTER | String | |||
M1_FILTER | String | |||
M2_FILTER | String | |||
PN_SUBMODE | String | |||
M1_SUBMODE | String | |||
M2_SUBMODE | String | |||
RA | double | deg | ||
DEC | double | deg | ||
POSERR | float | arcsec | ||
LII | double | deg | ||
BII | double | deg | ||
RADEC_ERR | float | arcsec | ||
SYSERRCC | float | arcsec | ||
REFCAT | short | |||
POSCOROK | boolean | |||
RA_UNC | double | deg | ||
DEC_UNC | double | deg | ||
EP_8_DET_ML | float | |||
EP_9_DET_ML | float | |||
PN_1_DET_ML | float | |||
PN_2_DET_ML | float | |||
PN_3_DET_ML | float | |||
PN_4_DET_ML | float | |||
PN_5_DET_ML | float | |||
PN_8_DET_ML | float | |||
PN_9_DET_ML | float | |||
M1_1_DET_ML | float | |||
M1_2_DET_ML | float | |||
M1_3_DET_ML | float | |||
M1_4_DET_ML | float | |||
M1_5_DET_ML | float | |||
M1_8_DET_ML | float | |||
M1_9_DET_ML | float | |||
M2_1_DET_ML | float | |||
M2_2_DET_ML | float | |||
M2_3_DET_ML | float | |||
M2_4_DET_ML | float | |||
M2_5_DET_ML | float | |||
M2_8_DET_ML | float | |||
M2_9_DET_ML | float | |||
EP_EXTENT | float | arcsec | ||
EP_EXTENT_ERR | float | arcsec | ||
EP_EXTENT_ML | float | |||
PN_1_EXP | float | s | ||
PN_2_EXP | float | s | ||
PN_3_EXP | float | s | ||
PN_4_EXP | float | s | ||
PN_5_EXP | float | s | ||
M1_1_EXP | float | s | ||
M1_2_EXP | float | s | ||
M1_3_EXP | float | s | ||
M1_4_EXP | float | s | ||
M1_5_EXP | float | s | ||
M2_1_EXP | float | s | ||
M2_2_EXP | float | s | ||
M2_3_EXP | float | s | ||
M2_4_EXP | float | s | ||
M2_5_EXP | float | s | ||
PN_1_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
PN_2_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
PN_3_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
PN_4_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
PN_5_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
M1_1_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
M1_2_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
M1_3_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
M1_4_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
M1_5_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
M2_1_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
M2_2_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
M2_3_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
M2_4_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
M2_5_BG | float | count/pixel | ||
PN_1_VIG | float | |||
PN_2_VIG | float | |||
PN_3_VIG | float | |||
PN_4_VIG | float | |||
PN_5_VIG | float | |||
M1_1_VIG | float | |||
M1_2_VIG | float | |||
M1_3_VIG | float | |||
M1_4_VIG | float | |||
M1_5_VIG | float | |||
M2_1_VIG | float | |||
M2_2_VIG | float | |||
M2_3_VIG | float | |||
M2_4_VIG | float | |||
M2_5_VIG | float | |||
PN_ONTIME | float | s | ||
M1_ONTIME | float | s | ||
M2_ONTIME | float | s | ||
EP_ONTIME | float | s | ||
PN_OFFAX | float | arcmin | ||
M1_OFFAX | float | arcmin | ||
M2_OFFAX | float | arcmin | ||
EP_OFFAX | float | arcmin | ||
PN_MASKFRAC | float | |||
M1_MASKFRAC | float | |||
M2_MASKFRAC | float | |||
DIST_NN | float | arcsec | ||
SUM_FLAG | short | |||
EP_FLAG | String | |||
PN_FLAG | String | |||
M1_FLAG | String | |||
M2_FLAG | String | |||
TSERIES | boolean | |||
SPECTRA | boolean | |||
EP_CHI2PROB | double | |||
PN_CHI2PROB | double | |||
M1_CHI2PROB | double | |||
M2_CHI2PROB | double | |||
PN_FVAR | double | |||
PN_FVARERR | double | |||
M1_FVAR | double | |||
M1_FVARERR | double | |||
M2_FVAR | double | |||
M2_FVARERR | double | |||
VAR_FLAG | boolean | |||
VAR_EXP_ID | String | |||
VAR_INST_ID | String | |||
SC_RA | double | deg | ||
SC_DEC | double | deg | ||
SC_POSERR | float | arcsec | ||
SC_DET_ML | float | |||
SC_EXTENT | float | arcsec | ||
SC_EXT_ML | float | |||
SC_CHI2PROB | double | |||
SC_FVAR | double | |||
SC_FVARERR | double | |||
SC_VAR_FLAG | boolean | |||
SC_SUM_FLAG | short | |||
SC_EP_8_FMIN | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_8_FMIN_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_8_FMAX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_8_FMAX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
MJD_FIRST | double | d | ||
MJD_LAST | double | d | ||
N_DETECTIONS | short | |||
CONFUSED | boolean | |||
EP_1_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_1_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_2_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_2_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_3_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_3_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_4_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_4_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_5_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_5_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_8_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_8_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_9_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_9_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_1_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_1_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_2_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_2_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_3_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_3_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_4_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_4_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_5_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_5_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_8_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_8_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_9_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
PN_9_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_1_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_1_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_2_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_2_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_3_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_3_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_4_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_4_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_5_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_5_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_8_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_8_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_9_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M1_9_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_1_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_1_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_2_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_2_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_3_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_3_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_4_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_4_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_5_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_5_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_8_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_8_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_9_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
M2_9_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
EP_8_RATE | float | count/s | ||
EP_8_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
EP_9_RATE | float | count/s | ||
EP_9_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
PN_1_RATE | float | count/s | ||
PN_1_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
PN_2_RATE | float | count/s | ||
PN_2_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
PN_3_RATE | float | count/s | ||
PN_3_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
PN_4_RATE | float | count/s | ||
PN_4_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
PN_5_RATE | float | count/s | ||
PN_5_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
PN_8_RATE | float | count/s | ||
PN_8_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
PN_9_RATE | float | count/s | ||
PN_9_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M1_1_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M1_1_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M1_2_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M1_2_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M1_3_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M1_3_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M1_4_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M1_4_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M1_5_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M1_5_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M1_8_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M1_8_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M1_9_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M1_9_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M2_1_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M2_1_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M2_2_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M2_2_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M2_3_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M2_3_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M2_4_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M2_4_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M2_5_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M2_5_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M2_8_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M2_8_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
M2_9_RATE | float | count/s | ||
M2_9_RATE_ERR | float | count/s | ||
EP_8_CTS | float | count | ||
EP_8_CTS_ERR | float | count | ||
PN_8_CTS | float | count | ||
PN_8_CTS_ERR | float | count | ||
M1_8_CTS | float | count | ||
M1_8_CTS_ERR | float | count | ||
M2_8_CTS | float | count | ||
M2_8_CTS_ERR | float | count | ||
EP_HR1 | float | |||
EP_HR1_ERR | float | |||
EP_HR2 | float | |||
EP_HR2_ERR | float | |||
EP_HR3 | float | |||
EP_HR3_ERR | float | |||
EP_HR4 | float | |||
EP_HR4_ERR | float | |||
PN_HR1 | float | |||
PN_HR1_ERR | float | |||
PN_HR2 | float | |||
PN_HR2_ERR | float | |||
PN_HR3 | float | |||
PN_HR3_ERR | float | |||
PN_HR4 | float | |||
PN_HR4_ERR | float | |||
M1_HR1 | float | |||
M1_HR1_ERR | float | |||
M1_HR2 | float | |||
M1_HR2_ERR | float | |||
M1_HR3 | float | |||
M1_HR3_ERR | float | |||
M1_HR4 | float | |||
M1_HR4_ERR | float | |||
M2_HR1 | float | |||
M2_HR1_ERR | float | |||
M2_HR2 | float | |||
M2_HR2_ERR | float | |||
M2_HR3 | float | |||
M2_HR3_ERR | float | |||
M2_HR4 | float | |||
M2_HR4_ERR | float | |||
SC_EP_1_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_1_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_2_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_2_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_3_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_3_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_4_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_4_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_5_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_5_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_8_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_8_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_9_FLUX | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_EP_9_FLUX_ERR | float | erg/cm**2/s | ||
SC_HR1 | float | |||
SC_HR1_ERR | float | |||
SC_HR2 | float | |||
SC_HR2_ERR | float | |||
SC_HR3 | float | |||
SC_HR3_ERR | float | |||
SC_HR4 | float | |||
SC_HR4_ERR | float |