Welcome to the AliXCatDB tool's Contact page:
- Have an issue or a suggestion ? submit it on GitLab by clicking
here if you have access or send a Email to Laurent MICHEL.
- Intern Université Technologique de Belfort-Monbeliard, developper
- mirsadince@gmail.com
- Superviser
, team manager of the SSC-XMM at Strasbourg
- laurent.michel@astro.unistra.fr
- Pierre MAGGI, astronomer at Strasbourg,pierre.maggi@astro.unistra.fr
- Divya RAWAT, postdoc for the SSC-XMM at Strasbourg, rawat@unistra.fr
- Ada NEBOT-GOMEZ, CDS Strasbourg, ada.nebot@astro.unistra.fr
- Christian MOTCH, senior astronomer at Strasbourg
- We would like to thank the CDS/Aladin team for their support.
- We thank the CNES for funding this work.
- We would like to thank all the people involved in this project for their time.