XMM SSC (Survey Science Centre) pages

http://xmmssc.irap.omp.eu (includes documentation on catalog columns)

http://xmm-catalog.irap.omp.eu (webserver for the catalogue)

http://xmm-ssc.irap.omp.eu (outreach website)

http://xmm-ssc.irap.omp.eu/claxson (citizen science website)

4XMM-DR13 data tables

4XMM-DR13 hips

4XMM-DR13 PN images have been merged in 4 Hips available on the SSC Hips node operated in Strasbourg:

TAP (Table Access Protocol) server

XMM catalogs are available through TAP services operated by Vizier.

They can be accessed from various clients: TAP server at CDS VizieR allows you to do large scale cross-matches of your source lists with the XMM-Newton catalog.


The SSC provides another Web interface based on SAADA and named the XCatDB (http://xcatdb.unistra.fr). Its main features are:

Stacked catalogs are not available in the XCatDB